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Basic Function

this section mainly introduces some practical efficiency enhancement functions. if this project has any helpful for you,welcome 👉 star it。

1、efficiency for framework support

now support framework element-uiElement Plus, Ant Design Vue,we will use framework judge by framework in package.json
the support status of related plug-ins can be viewed in the relevant directory in detail. packageJson

frameworks that need to be supported,please give us message in github

2、efficiency for quickly locate variables and methods

this feature will definitely work for you when you're still using Vue2.
when you hold down the Ctrl key on a variable or method,ability to automatically locate to the appropriate defined variables/methods。 element-plus-go-definition

3、efficiency for global component jumps

jumps are supported for external components such as vue files and global components in engineering projects. element-plus-go-definition-file

4、efficiency for expand [alt + x]

expand the scope of the code through shortcut key [alt + x]

4.1 expand property value

4.2 expand property

4.3 expand label

4.4 expand object, function

5、efficiency for enhance [alt + enter]

5.1、enhance for key-value pairs

5.2、enhance method

6、efficiency for import component

7、efficiency for backspace

when there are multiple lines of spaces, we can remove them with one click